You can help by completing the following questionnaire. Even if you did not feel the quake, but were in the general area of the epicenter, please answer the questionnaire
(We want to know the areas where the quake was felt and also where the quake was not felt). Your answers will be used to map the distribution of seismic intensity.
LOCAL DATE & TIME are required for when the quake was felt. Your city and zip code are also required.
All other data (name, email, phone number) are optional, but the zip code is required to determine the seismic intensity in your area. The other data will be
useful to restrict further the different intensities in the places where the quake was felt.
Your answer to the following questions is optional. However, your response to the maximum number of questions would help us to estimate more precisely the intensity of the earthquake.
Your experience during the quake:
Earthquake Effects:
Were free-standing walls or fences damaged?
Additional Comments:
Make sure you fill the form for proper earthquake!